I'm doing quite well, considering the fact that I had surgery less than 24 hours ago.
The pain isn't too bad. I'm comfortable moving around in my wheelchair; I guess those 1.5 years of being forced to use it in the past taught me a few things.
I realized that I use my left foot way more than my right. My right foot is weaker and rolls often. Now that I'm non-weight bearing on the left foot, I have to use my right side more. This will need some adjusting, as I'm apparently not used to using it much to get off the couch, etc., and I never really realized this aspect until now. It does make sense that the body adjusts and compensates for weaknesses by favoring one side over the other.
I stick to my pain medication regimen by a timer, and that seems to work much better than me trying to be stubborn to wait and see if the pain comes back (like I did in the past). I think I'm a pretty good patient so far!
I did not have a nerve block due to previous failures. I am on prescription strengths of Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Flexeril, and Oxycodone (first 24 hours only). I hope that it will continue to be mostly pain-free after I discontinue the oxycodone.
The doctors also wanted me on supplements, like Vitamin C, B, and so on, to promote healing. I'm already on those, and I do iv vitamins off and on. I liked that they promote proper nutrients instead of just throwing 10 days' worth of narcotics at you, like my past 2 surgeries!
I was gone this ice machine; this thing is incredible. It has a cooler with ice and water and continuously pumps ice water through the pouch I can wrap around my foot! This thing has been missing in my life!