The first day of skiing went great!!! I DID NOT get run over by a snowboarder this time!!!
2 essential things I learned compared to last year:
- how ski boots are supposed to fit …. Well turns out last years were too big!
- skiing requires the peroneus muscle!
Peroneus muscle ….. yep, 12 years ago, I had a peroneus brevis to longus transfer and was told I would have 85% of function at the most! There I was, the last 12 years, super proud that I could still walk in penny heels!!!! Well, today I found out that with properly fitting ski boots, the 85% probably meant my muscle function …. Cause that right leg, was just not working like that left one! 😂😂😂 I mean, go figure, take 2 muscles, which normally have one tendon each, and tie them together to 1 tendon, duh! I can’t believe it took me 12 years to figure that one out! 🤦♀️🤷♀️